As the United Kingdom continues to negotiate its exit from the European Union, all eyes are on the Brexit agreement that will shape the future relationship between the UK and the EU. These are the main points of the current agreement:


The UK and the EU have agreed to a free trade agreement that eliminates tariffs and quotas on goods traded between them. However, there are still some barriers to trade, such as customs checks and regulatory barriers. The agreement also includes provisions for cooperation on a range of issues, including environmental and labor standards, and the recognition of professional qualifications.


One of the thorniest issues in the negotiations was fisheries. Under the agreement, the UK will take back control of its waters and will be able to set its own quotas for fishing. However, EU fishing boats will still have access to UK waters for a transition period of five and a half years, after which quotas will be renegotiated.


The agreement includes provisions for cooperation on security and law enforcement, including the sharing of data and intelligence. However, the UK will no longer be a member of the Europol and Eurojust agencies, which coordinate police and judicial cooperation in the EU.

Northern Ireland

The Northern Ireland protocol, agreed in 2019, remains in place. This means that Northern Ireland will continue to follow certain EU rules and regulations, in order to avoid a hard border with the Republic of Ireland. However, the agreement includes some new provisions to mitigate the impact of the protocol, such as a new system for monitoring trade between Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

Citizens’ rights

The agreement includes provisions to protect the rights of UK and EU citizens living in each other’s territories. This includes the right to live and work in another country, as well as access to healthcare and social security.

Overall, the Brexit agreement represents a compromise between the UK and the EU, with both sides making concessions in order to secure a deal. While the agreement provides some clarity for businesses and individuals on both sides of the Channel, it is still a complex and far-reaching document that will have significant implications for years to come.